Emissions Reduction Development
Terra Global provides the emissions reduction development expertise required to design, develop and implement high quality land-use projects and programs that generate investment-grade emission reductions under the world's most recognized emission reductions and social market standards. Terra Global's emission reduction development process is structured to take a project or program from the feasibility stage through commercialization of emission reductions.
Terra Global offers the following Technical Advisory Services:
Feasibility Assessments
Evaluations for forest and agriculture projects and programs on i) design, ii) implementation capacity, iii) tenure and institutional frameworks, iv) emission reductions and social standards eligibility, v) financial projections, vi) risks and, vii) workplan development.
Methodologies and Protocol Development
Assessment and development of methodologies, protocols and tools, for use under market standards and other payment for performance programs. Terra Global has a track record for developing high integrity methodologies that provide detailed guidance on emission reduction measurement and produce consistent results across projects, programs and verifiers.
Standard Operating Procedures and Training for Participatory Field Data Collection
Sustainable land-use project and programs are only successful if communities’ needs and desires are included in all aspects of emission reductions development. Building in-country technical capacity is the only effective way to empower community members to provide long-term alternative livelihoods, and create a successful project truly addressing clean development. Terra Global has collaboratively developed and tested SOPs in numerous countries and stakeholder groups that deliver verifiable data on: drivers of deforestation and degradation, boundary demarcation, forest and soil biomass, household surveys and participatory appraisals.
Program and Project Documents
Terra Global has a proven track record working with our local partners to develop and verify emission reductions under rigorous accounting and social standards at the project and landscape level. We provide support in the QA/QC process, development of emission reduction calculations (including REL development, ex-ante and ex-post), management of the validation and verification process and, establishing in-country monitoring procedures and training.
Institutional Arrangements and Benefits Sharing
As the forest and land-use sector has moved toward the production, verification and delivery of emission reductions, Terra Global has been a leader in designing and implementing the institutional arrangements to secure tenure and support transparent funds flows and various forms of benefit sharing plans. This has included establishment of entities and contracts to support programs with full government management, co-management, community management and private ownership.
Ongoing Monitoring and Verification
Terra Global supports its partners in the on-going monitoring of GHG and social benefits through field data collection and land-use change modeling. The on-going monitoring process developed by Terra Global supports adaptive management of practices and ensuring efficient verification of emission reductions.